# Copyright 1999-2025 Gentoo Authors # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2 EAPI=8 inherit autotools flag-o-matic systemd tmpfiles DESCRIPTION="Clam Anti-Virus Scanner" HOMEPAGE="https://www.clamav.net/" SRC_URI="https://www.clamav.net/downloads/production/${P}.tar.gz" LICENSE="GPL-2 unRAR" SLOT="0/lts" KEYWORDS="~alpha amd64 arm arm64 ~hppa ppc ppc64 ~riscv ~sparc x86 ~amd64-linux ~x86-linux ~ppc-macos" IUSE="bzip2 doc clamonacc clamdtop clamsubmit iconv libclamav-only milter metadata-analysis-api selinux systemd test xml" REQUIRED_USE="libclamav-only? ( !clamonacc !clamdtop !clamsubmit !milter !metadata-analysis-api )" RESTRICT="!test? ( test )" # Require acct-{user,group}/clamav at build time so that we can set # the permissions on /var/lib/clamav in src_install rather than in # pkg_postinst; calling "chown" on the live filesystem scares me. CDEPEND="acct-group/clamav acct-user/clamav dev-libs/libltdl dev-libs/libmspack || ( dev-libs/libpcre2 >dev-libs/libpcre-6 ) dev-libs/tomsfastmath >=sys-libs/zlib-1.2.2:= bzip2? ( app-arch/bzip2 ) clamdtop? ( sys-libs/ncurses:0 ) clamsubmit? ( net-misc/curl dev-libs/json-c:= ) elibc_musl? ( sys-libs/fts-standalone ) iconv? ( virtual/libiconv ) !libclamav-only? ( net-misc/curl ) dev-libs/openssl:0= milter? ( mail-filter/libmilter:= ) xml? ( dev-libs/libxml2 )" # We need at least autoconf-2.69-r5 because that's the first (patched) # version of it in Gentoo that supports ./configure --runstatedir. BDEPEND=">=dev-build/autoconf-2.69-r5 virtual/pkgconfig" DEPEND="${CDEPEND} metadata-analysis-api? ( dev-libs/json-c:* ) test? ( dev-libs/check )" RDEPEND="${CDEPEND} selinux? ( sec-policy/selinux-clamav )" PATCHES=( "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.102.1-libxml2_pkgconfig.patch" #661328 "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.102.2-fix-curl-detection.patch" #709616 "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.103.0-system-tomsfastmath.patch" # 649394 "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.103.1-upstream-openrc.patch" "${FILESDIR}/${PN}-0.103.12-missing-const.patch" ) src_prepare() { default # Be extra sure that we're using the system copy of tomsfastmath einfo "removing bundled copy of dev-libs/tomsfastmath" rm -r libclamav/tomsfastmath || \ die "failed to remove bundled tomsfastmath" AT_NO_RECURSIVE="yes" eautoreconf } src_configure() { use elibc_musl && append-ldflags -lfts use ppc64 && append-flags -mminimal-toc # according to configure help it should be # $(use_enable xml) # but that does not work # do not add this, since --disable-xml seems to override # --without-xml JSONUSE="--without-libjson" if use clamsubmit || use metadata-analysis-api; then # either of those 2 requires libjson. # clamsubmit will be built as soon as libjson and curl are found # but we only install the binary if requested JSONUSE="--with-libjson=${EPREFIX}/usr" fi local myeconfargs=( $(use_enable bzip2) $(use_enable clamonacc) $(use_enable clamdtop) $(use_enable milter) $(use_enable test check) $(use_with xml) $(use_with iconv) ${JSONUSE} $(use_enable libclamav-only) $(use_with !libclamav-only libcurl) --enable-ipv6 --with-system-libmspack --cache-file="${S}"/config.cache --disable-experimental --disable-static --disable-zlib-vcheck --enable-id-check --with-dbdir="${EPREFIX}"/var/lib/clamav # Don't call --with-zlib=/usr (see bug #699296) --with-zlib --disable-llvm --enable-openrc --runstatedir=/run ) econf "${myeconfargs[@]}" } src_install() { default rm -rf "${ED}"/var/lib/clamav || die if ! use libclamav-only ; then if use systemd; then # The tmpfiles entry is behind USE=systemd because the # OpenRC service scripts should (and do) ensure that the # directories they need exist and have the correct # permissions without the help of tmpfiles. newtmpfiles "${FILESDIR}/tmpfiles.d/clamav-r1.conf" clamav.conf systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/clamd_at.service" "clamd@.service" systemd_dounit "${FILESDIR}/clamd.service" systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/freshclamd.service-r1" \ "freshclamd.service" fi insinto /etc/logrotate.d newins "${FILESDIR}/clamd.logrotate" clamd newins "${FILESDIR}/freshclam.logrotate" freshclam use milter && \ newins "${FILESDIR}/clamav-milter.logrotate-r1" clamav-milter # Modify /etc/{clamd,freshclam}.conf to be usable out of the box sed -i -e "s:^\(Example\):\# \1:" \ -e "s/^#\(PidFile .*\)/\1/" \ -e "s/^#\(LocalSocket .*\)/\1/" \ -e "s/^#\(User .*\)/\1/" \ -e "s:^\#\(LogFile\) .*:\1 ${EPREFIX}/var/log/clamav/clamd.log:" \ -e "s:^\#\(LogTime\).*:\1 yes:" \ -e "s/^#\(DatabaseDirectory .*\)/\1/" \ "${ED}"/etc/clamd.conf.sample || die sed -i -e "s:^\(Example\):\# \1:" \ -e "s/^#\(PidFile .*\)/\1/" \ -e "s/^#\(DatabaseOwner .*\)/\1/" \ -e "s:^\#\(UpdateLogFile\) .*:\1 ${EPREFIX}/var/log/clamav/freshclam.log:" \ -e "s:^\#\(NotifyClamd\).*:\1 ${EPREFIX}/etc/clamd.conf:" \ -e "s:^\#\(ScriptedUpdates\).*:\1 yes:" \ -e "s/^#\(DatabaseDirectory .*\)/\1/" \ "${ED}"/etc/freshclam.conf.sample || die if use milter ; then # Note: only keep the "unix" ClamdSocket and MilterSocket! sed -i -e "s:^\(Example\):\# \1:" \ -e "s/^#\(PidFile .*\)/\1/" \ -e "s/^#\(ClamdSocket unix:.*\)/\1/" \ -e "s/^#\(User .*\)/\1/" \ -e "s/^#\(MilterSocket unix:.*\)/\1/" \ -e "s:^\#\(LogFile\) .*:\1 ${EPREFIX}/var/log/clamav/clamav-milter.log:" \ "${ED}"/etc/clamav-milter.conf.sample || die cat >> "${ED}"/etc/conf.d/clamd <<-EOF MILTER_NICELEVEL=19 START_MILTER=no EOF systemd_newunit "${FILESDIR}/clamav-milter.service-r1" clamav-milter.service fi local i for i in clamd freshclam clamav-milter do if [[ -f "${ED}"/etc/"${i}".conf.sample ]]; then mv "${ED}"/etc/"${i}".conf{.sample,} || die fi done # These both need to be writable by the clamav user. # TODO: use syslog by default; that's what it's for. diropts -o clamav -g clamav keepdir /var/lib/clamav keepdir /var/log/clamav fi if use doc ; then local HTML_DOCS=( docs/html/. ) einstalldocs if ! use libclamav-only ; then doman docs/man/*.[1-8] fi fi find "${ED}" -name '*.la' -delete || die } src_test() { if use libclamav-only ; then ewarn "Test target not available when USE=libclamav-only is set, skipping tests ..." return 0 fi emake quick-check } pkg_postinst() { if ! use libclamav-only ; then if use systemd ; then tmpfiles_process clamav.conf fi fi if use milter ; then elog "For simple instructions how to setup the clamav-milter read the" elog "clamav-milter.README.gentoo in /usr/share/doc/${PF}" fi local databases=( "${EROOT}"/var/lib/clamav/main.c[lv]d ) if [[ ! -f "${databases}" ]] ; then ewarn "You must run freshclam manually to populate the virus database" ewarn "before starting clamav for the first time." fi ewarn "This version of ClamAV provides separate OpenRC services" ewarn "for clamd, freshclam, clamav-milter, and clamonacc. The" ewarn "clamd service now starts only the clamd daemon itself. You" ewarn "should add freshclam (and perhaps clamav-milter) to any" ewarn "runlevels that previously contained clamd." }