# This file sets needed and optional environment variables for
# Open CASCADE Technology
# See: https://dev.opencascade.org/doc/overview/html/index.html#OCCT_OVW_SECTION_4_2
# for further documentation.
# Some of the values are set at compile time depending on what USE flags
# were enabled. Those values are marked as such.

# define the root directory of Open CASCADE Technology (needed)

# The MMGT_* variables are used to determine how memory management will work
# in OCCT. All of those are optional. If they are not set here, their default
# values will be used.
# Uncomment or change the ones you need to adapt from its default.
# MMGT_OPT = {0,1,2} (default: 0) set at compile time
#   if set to 0 (the default), every memory block is allocated in C
#      memory heap directly (via malloc() and free()). Will be set, if
#      neither the the 'optimize' nor the 'tbb' USE flags are set.
#   if set to 1, the memory manager performs it's own internal optimization.
#      Will be set, if the 'optimize' USE flag is set.
#   if set to 2, Intel(R) TBB optimized memory manager is used. Will be set,
#      if the 'tbb' USE flag is set.

# MMGT_CLEAR = {0,1} (default: 1)
#   if set to 0, memory block is returned as it is. Will be set, if the
#      'optimize' USE flag is set
#   if set to 1, every allocated memory block is cleared by zeros

# MMGT_CELLSIZE (default: 200)
#   defines the maximal size of blocks allocated in large pools of memory.

# MMGT_NBPAGES (default: 10000)
#   defines the size of memory chunks allocated for small blocks in pages
#      (OS dependant)

# MMGT_THRESHOLD (default: 40000)
#   defines the maximal size of blocks that are recycled internally instead
#   of being returned to the heap.

# MMGT_MMAP = {0,1} (default: 1)
#   if set to 0, large memory blocks will be allocated in the C heap by
#      malloc()
#   if set to 1, large memory blocks are allocated using memory mapping
#      functions of the operating system.

# CSF_LANGUAGE (default: us) optional
#   defines the default language of messages indicated by a two-letter
#   country code. Currently it's not verified if this work with other
#   than the default languages, so we keep it commented.

# CSF_DEBUG_BOP (default: undefined) optional
#   if defined then it should specify the directory where diagnostic data
#   on problems occured in Boolean operations will be saved. Not defined by
#   default.
# NOTE: Only enable for debugging purposes. If set, this variable has a
# large impact on the performance of boolean operations.

# CSF_EXCEPTION_PROMPT (default: 1) optional
#   not documented upstream (maybe a flag indicating whether the user shall
#   be prompted in the case of exceptions)

# The following CSF_* variables define various directories and files where
# OCCT is looking for resources.
# The below values might be optional.

# TODO: check those
# they were defined in the original ebuild but the directories and files
# are not present in the current installation.