# Example configuration file for CoLo, version 1.16 or above.

# Turn on the serial port; if possible.  - means to ignore the error and keep
# going.  Without this, execution would halt here if this command failed (e.g.
# on Qube 2700; which lacks serial ports)
-serial on

# Mount the hard drive
lcd "Mounting hda1"
mount hda1

# Ask the user... which kernel?
# Timeout; 50/10 seconds
# The format is:
#   select "Message Goes Here" TimeOut label1 [label2 ... [labelN]]
# This will set the {menu-option} variable to the entry corresponding to the
# selected value, or 0 if no option is selected.
select "Which Kernel?" 50 Working New

# Now... jump to the line corresponding to the selection...
# Explaination of the goto command...
#   goto [-]numMarks -- prefixing with - means jump backwards
# or
#   goto numMarks{b|f} -- b == jump back, f == jump forward
# Marks are indicated by a line starting with a @ symbol.
# We use this jump to set the {image-name} variable to a kernel image.
# Explaination of the var command:
#   var VariableName Value

goto {menu-option}

# {menu-option} = 0; TimeOut or Cancel
var image-name vmlinux.gz.working

# Skip to the next two @ lines, start at the third @ line.
goto 3f

# {menu-option} = 1; "Working" selected.
@var image-name vmlinux.gz.working

goto 2f
@var image-name vmlinux.gz.new

# Load the requested image
@lcd "Loading Linux" {image-name}
load /{image-name}

# Boot
lcd "Booting..."
execute root=/dev/hda5 ro console=ttyS0,115200